Dania Beach Appraiser

We are South Florida’s Leading Appraisal Company!

We provide appraisal services to South Florida, including all neighborhoods in Dania Beach.

Empire Appraisal Group has become the leading appraisal company in South Florida by offering great customer service, accurate and reliable appraisals with quick turn times. Integrity and Professionalism are essential when working with an appraiser. We pride ourselves in providing you with the best possible experience. Daniel Lindeman, our chief appraiser has nearly 15 years’ experience with over 6,500 appraisals to his credit and is considered one of the top property appraisers in South Florida.

We specialize in property appraisals for:

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We Offer:

-Accurate and reliable appraisal reports utilizing the most up to date valuation methods. We are trained in regression analysis and incorporate market analysis graphs in every appraisal report.

-PDF Email delivery

-Competitive pricing

-Short turn-around times (most times 24 hours after the appointment)